Tuesday, August 30, 2005
i cant wait for tomorrow!its the teachers day celebrations and i'll be going back to prps and seeing all my friends again.so excited.cant wait.haha.me,hanis,munya and zaf are giving poems to mdm lim and cikgu salina.we thought they'd be more original than other gifts especially so since we're writing the poems ourselves.hanis is writing the english one for mdm lim and i'm writing the malay one for cikgu.damn hanis.she had to take the easy one.i've already written the poem,in english of course,now i just have to translate it.which is definitely gonna take some time considering my horrible malay.haha.oh i seriously cant wait to see everyone again.wonder why nani,sharifah and amirah dont feel like going back to their primary schools.they think its boring.what rubbish.sharifah might be going to prps with us though.lol.i cant wait!!finally the day that everyone's been waiting for is coming.had a history ca just now.on sources.it was....not too bad.only there was not enough time so i had to rush.but i managed to finish the paper.well thank god because now all cas are over.for this term.next one will be the final year exams.not really looking forward to that.
i gotta go now.have to bathe and go for my religious class.so cya around.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
feeling hungry.yesterday was cross crountry at east coast park.it was OK.siti ran the 3km and came in 12.not bad at all.good job girl!i might run next year.oh before we went there,me,nani,siti,shikin,sharifah,andik,ain and amirah ate at videoworld.we ate maggi at this back room in the shop.and i dont know why but we suddenly came to the topic about ghosts and we freaked each other out.we were screaming so much and SO loudly.but thankfully no one could hear us.we were utterly TERRIFIED.haha.telling each other not to look up or behind.and to check if we really had legs.it was hilarious.then we took two cabs to east coast.it was quite hot.then we took attendance and the runners ran so in the meantime we just wandered around,went to the shop to buy stuff,sit down and got ready for the zany parade.zany it was!i think our class was the one with the most spirit seeing that we were the only ones cheering so loudly and spiritedly.and we came in second overall for the race.good job people!the worst part was the going back home time.me,nani,andik,sharifah,siti and shikin walked to the bus stop.we were let out a little late at 6.15 instead of 6.so by the time we reached the bus stop,it was probably like around 6.30. then we had to wait for the bus.we could take 31,196 or 197.but andik and nani couldnt take 196 or 197 because then they would have to take mrt and they didnt have enough money in their ez-link cards.so then we decided to take 31.the first bus came and it was too full it didnt even stop.waiting for the next one took ages.there were more 196's and 197's.when the next one did come,it was too crowded.so we had to wait for the NEXT one.by that time it was already 7.almost an hour since we started waiting.then andik called her father and asked if he could fetch us.but that too didnt work out so we ended up taking a cab.just me,nani,andik and sharifah.and waiting for a cab took AGES.it was already 7.15.THEN the freaking 31 came.so siti and shikin took that bus.we reached tampines interchange at like 7.45.and siti and shikin reached around the same time.they paid lesser.we had to pay 8 bucks!but it comes down to 2 per person.so yeah.then andik's parents were fetching her.nani took bus 29 and sharifah and i were going to take 3.we were walking then i spotted the bus at the stand and we started running but we missed it.so we had to wait for like another 10 minutes.then in the bus the subject changed to ghosts again.and we started scaring each other.we looked at everyone who was alighting since we were sitting beside the door,to check if they had legs.we were really stupid.then when the bus stopped at this red light,there was this guy who was carrying two briefcases and standing really still.i pointed him out to sharifah and was like "oh my god.what is he doing there?why is he standing like that?" then when she saw him she too started panicking.then i was like "shit.what if he suddenly turns in our direction?" and sharifah was like "shut up!".and that point the bus started moving and that guy happened to turn in our direction!we were so scared.haha.freaky or what?by the time i reached home,it was like 8.20.really late.and i was so tired i just bathed,changed,prayed and went straight to bed.which is so unlike me.i usually stay up late on friday nights.earlier in the day,there was a floorball competition.1e3 came in THIRD!!haha.1e1 was first and 1e2 was second.and ironically,1e3 third.each class had like two teams and the top three teams would get prizes.so the winning team from my class was MY team.lol.the GREEN team which consisted of me,amirah,shikin,kelly,pron,olivia and georgienne.our other team,the orange team,didnt do so bad.they did a great job.during the third and fourth placing match,in which my team (me,amirah,shikin,kelly and pron) was playing,the goal was really last minute.we could have scored a few times.but the other team's defence was quite good.then i saw the ball and passed it to pron who was nearer the goal post.she then scored the winning goal.and just after that,the whistle was blown.end of game and we WON!seriously lucky!we'll probably get our prizes next monday.
just came back from amirah's house.went to do our history project with thanida,yibo and aashi.stupid yibo.she wore her new shoes and earned a blister.haha.served her right.our project's due in 2 weeks.at least we've gotten started.
tomorrow i'll be skipping madrasah to help out at the sentosa real run.well actually hold the prize trays.natalie and i will be doing that since our fathers are two of the organizers of the event.good thing is we'll be getting cip hours.so yeah.bad thing is i'll have to wake up extra early.oh well.gotta go now.want to watch a movie.tata for now.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
haha.just took some quizzes and thought i'd post the results here.im so bored.![]() | |||
![]() | ![]() | My animal spirit is... The Lion Lions are the royalty of the animal world. According to shamanistic wisdom, lion people are courageous, confident and patient. They also recognize the importance of cooperation and love working in groups, in much the same way that lions will band together to hunt more effectively.Read more... What is your animal spirit? | ![]() |
![]() | |||
![]() | ![]() | My aura is... orange Orange means caution on the highway--think of construction signs and those plastic orange cones--but drivers with orange auras aren't likely to heed those warnings. That's because oranges (auras, not the fruit!) are the daredevils of the world. Read more... What color is your aura? | ![]() |
didn't go to school today.woke up with a fever.its probably due to the cold weather.i've been feeling chilly.already went to the doctor's and gotten my medicine and mc.feeling sleepy right now because i've already taken the medicine.will probably sleep soon.
amirah called my mobile just now at around 11,during recess.then sharifah,andik,nani,siti and shikin spoke to me too.haha.so cute.they said they missed me.awww.so sweet!haha.i don't think i missed much in school today.only 4 periods because on wednesdays,school finishes early,at 12.so yeah.nothing much happened in home ec.and i dont really care about science and history.tests and ca's are over.
im skipping french today.mlle lim said to try and attend today's lesson because she was going to prepare us for our final year oral.but heck.anyway there's still next week.
this friday is the cross country.oh yeah.today i was supposed to stay back to practice for the dance we'll be putting up for the cross country.wonder how that's going.oh and this friday is also the inter-class floorball competition.during the enrichment period.im taking part.hope we'd win!!haha.if i wasnt sick,i'd be going to the bus stop now to take the bus to moelc.but oh well.i'm gonna go now.beauty sleep calls.
oh and today's aishah's birthday.happy birthday girl!!
amirah called my mobile just now at around 11,during recess.then sharifah,andik,nani,siti and shikin spoke to me too.haha.so cute.they said they missed me.awww.so sweet!haha.i don't think i missed much in school today.only 4 periods because on wednesdays,school finishes early,at 12.so yeah.nothing much happened in home ec.and i dont really care about science and history.tests and ca's are over.
im skipping french today.mlle lim said to try and attend today's lesson because she was going to prepare us for our final year oral.but heck.anyway there's still next week.
this friday is the cross country.oh yeah.today i was supposed to stay back to practice for the dance we'll be putting up for the cross country.wonder how that's going.oh and this friday is also the inter-class floorball competition.during the enrichment period.im taking part.hope we'd win!!haha.if i wasnt sick,i'd be going to the bus stop now to take the bus to moelc.but oh well.i'm gonna go now.beauty sleep calls.
oh and today's aishah's birthday.happy birthday girl!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
im really bored.bored boredd boredddd.i was just reading the story me and my friends have been writing.we havent come up with a name for it yet.its going really crappy now.but we're trying to change it.so yeah.its kinda soppy too.but its mostly full of crap.i just wanted to blog because i had nothing better to do.so yeah.spiderman!haha.crazy andik.my sides still hurt.tm.
plural of spider monkey is spider man.haha.at least according to andik and i.we were playing this grammar game for english at the com lab.and we decided to type silly stuffs.i was laughing so hard my sides hurt.now i know what people mean when they say "laugh till your sides hurt".i well and truly understand that now.haha.spiderman.alot of homework today.but being the good girl *ahem* that i am,i finished most of it.i'm left with home ec.have to come up with a recipe for one main dish,a dessert and a drink for our practical exam.deadline's tomorrow.shoot,im dead.speaking of home ec i got an A1 for home ec.haha.the highest.but there were others who scored 92.5 .yay!haha.i got an A for history and lit.thank god.i FINALLY get an A for lit.i thought i was going to get B for history but the marking scheme or something was changed.so yeah.and i got a B for malay!haha.not surprised.i suck in malay.what's new?all that's left now is art.i'd be lucky enough to pass what with my art teacher being that mdm seah.ugh.hate her.she's been giving me Bs.she gave me a C once.shoot.gotta go.dad's nagging for me to turn off the computer.
Friday, August 19, 2005
no swimming today.well for me at least.lucky me.haha.so bored.and sleepy too.i couldnt wake up this morning.it was so cold.a perfect day to sleep in.too bad i couldnt.oh i just realized there are only 2 weeks of school left.and then school's out.only for a week.ONE pathetic week.of which at least 2 days would be used up.one for a history project.and another one day for this stupid malay workshop thingy which is compulsory for ALL sec 1's to go.stupid workshop.i loathe malay.what makes you think i'd go for a workshop?cikgu gave us a poll to see which activity we'd prefer.i hope they teach us dikir barat or silat.that'd be cool.compared to boring stuff like tarian or bahas or some other silly thing.i'd probably go to KL too to see my grandmother and then to kampar to see my cousin.at least THAT would be fun.i think i better go bathe.its almost 6.30tm
Thursday, August 18, 2005
having history now.in the lab.supposed to be copying the right answers for the cas we just got back but im too lazy to do it so i'll just copy it from nani.haha.god i really need to pee.and its so cold.its raining.wonder if there's basketball later.my history marks isn't that bad,at least i passed.i think i gotta go now.ms lee is walking around and i have to copy the answers right now because she wants to collect our scripts back.shoot.yay,ms lee just gave us the chocolate.haha.i LOVE chocolate.tm.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
came back a little early today and found nobody at home.that's weird because usually my brother,sister and mother are at home on wednesdays when i come back.my brother and sister's school finished over an hour ago and they're still not back yet.they're supposed to have lunch at school and bring back MY lunch.but they're not back!!and god knows where my mother went.she would have told me this morning that she wasnt going to be home,but she didnt.so now i've got nothing to do.and im hungry.i cant eat because there's nothing to eat.i cant sleep in case they come back and i need to open the door.damn it.got back malay ca just now.we didnt really do well.i messed up big time because i mixed the kata kerja transitif and tidak transitif up.well at least i passed.and i got 2 marks for the kata kerja transitif question.haha.im so hungry.shoot,something just dropped in the kitchen.better go check it out.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
yay!finally changed my skin.haha.was so bored.so yeah.tell me what you think k?im outta here.tm
had a swimming test yesterday.got my intermediate 1 cert.not that bad,everyone in my group got that too.thank god next week is the last lesson.its so tiring coming home late every single day.
just came back from the mendaki young minds club gathering.i wouldnt exactly call it FUN but it was ok.at least i got to see zaf,munya and hanis.i sat with fatimah,natasya,nani,amirah,shikin,nadia,sharifah and siti.the avalanche(aka ice breakers) were quite cool.they taught us how to do the macho and sexy claps but i already knew it from the tkgs orientation camp.so yeah.then the guest of honour came and he gave a little speech.then he looked at our direction,although he was speaking to everyone else too, and asked if we read the berita harian and we said no.then he pointed in my way and asked if i read the tamil murasu.like HELLO?i dont even SPEAK tamil,let alone read.and because of that,during the "queen's tea"(as they call it)there was this group of boys behind me and i heard one of them say "eh isnt she the one who reads the tamil murasu?"i seriously wanted to punch his lights out.idiot.then i met up with zaf,munya and hanis.zafirah wanted food but most of it was finished and muneerah wanted drinks and that was mostly finished too.so we walked around the room so many times just to get food and drinks.sheesh.haha.then when we went back in the room we wanted to sit together but we couldnt because we had to sit at our original place so i sat with the tkgs gang.amirah got excited when she saw *ahem* and nadia got all shy when she saw *ahem*.haha.then we continued our story.(in case you didnt know,its about me,nani,shikin,ain,andik,sharifah,siti and amirah.we've got different occupations and we take turns writing the story.we're going to write it till the end of the year and then compile it.and maybe next year there might be a part 2.so far,we were on a plane(which boone was on too!haha!hey its just a story!!) to london which landed on a mystery island.and then we face problems and yeah.we havent exactly added more stuffs.)then shikin came up with a new name for nani.get this,nani amirabbit.haha.i was laughing so hard.well nani's obsessed with rabbits.she's also got 2 hamsters named slipper and sandal!oh and a fish named hamtaro.i couldnt take that one either,it just cracked me up!boy oh boy.then after the whole programme ended,i went home with zaf and munya.hanis was to be fetched by her father.zaf,munya and i got lost.we had to ask for directions.haha.we didnt know where to go.we made a big round.then zaf and i saw a soldier and saluted.god we were stupid.haha.went to white sands after that and ate at McDs.then munya rushed off because her father was picking her up so then there were two.me and zaf took the bus back.we talked and talked.and when we got off, we walked so slowly,talking and talking about the good ol' days at prps.it was so good to be with the disco mamas(zaf,munya and hanis) again.the last time was last friday,at prps during sing singapore.that crazy night.haha.miss them loads!!cant wait for teacher's day.we're planning on giving something to cikgu.miss her too!!!right now im supposed to be chatting with zaf but she's not online so im sitting here,waiting and waiting and waiting.come on zafirah,where on earth are you??
just came back from the mendaki young minds club gathering.i wouldnt exactly call it FUN but it was ok.at least i got to see zaf,munya and hanis.i sat with fatimah,natasya,nani,amirah,shikin,nadia,sharifah and siti.the avalanche(aka ice breakers) were quite cool.they taught us how to do the macho and sexy claps but i already knew it from the tkgs orientation camp.so yeah.then the guest of honour came and he gave a little speech.then he looked at our direction,although he was speaking to everyone else too, and asked if we read the berita harian and we said no.then he pointed in my way and asked if i read the tamil murasu.like HELLO?i dont even SPEAK tamil,let alone read.and because of that,during the "queen's tea"(as they call it)there was this group of boys behind me and i heard one of them say "eh isnt she the one who reads the tamil murasu?"i seriously wanted to punch his lights out.idiot.then i met up with zaf,munya and hanis.zafirah wanted food but most of it was finished and muneerah wanted drinks and that was mostly finished too.so we walked around the room so many times just to get food and drinks.sheesh.haha.then when we went back in the room we wanted to sit together but we couldnt because we had to sit at our original place so i sat with the tkgs gang.amirah got excited when she saw *ahem* and nadia got all shy when she saw *ahem*.haha.then we continued our story.(in case you didnt know,its about me,nani,shikin,ain,andik,sharifah,siti and amirah.we've got different occupations and we take turns writing the story.we're going to write it till the end of the year and then compile it.and maybe next year there might be a part 2.so far,we were on a plane(which boone was on too!haha!hey its just a story!!) to london which landed on a mystery island.and then we face problems and yeah.we havent exactly added more stuffs.)then shikin came up with a new name for nani.get this,nani amirabbit.haha.i was laughing so hard.well nani's obsessed with rabbits.she's also got 2 hamsters named slipper and sandal!oh and a fish named hamtaro.i couldnt take that one either,it just cracked me up!boy oh boy.then after the whole programme ended,i went home with zaf and munya.hanis was to be fetched by her father.zaf,munya and i got lost.we had to ask for directions.haha.we didnt know where to go.we made a big round.then zaf and i saw a soldier and saluted.god we were stupid.haha.went to white sands after that and ate at McDs.then munya rushed off because her father was picking her up so then there were two.me and zaf took the bus back.we talked and talked.and when we got off, we walked so slowly,talking and talking about the good ol' days at prps.it was so good to be with the disco mamas(zaf,munya and hanis) again.the last time was last friday,at prps during sing singapore.that crazy night.haha.miss them loads!!cant wait for teacher's day.we're planning on giving something to cikgu.miss her too!!!right now im supposed to be chatting with zaf but she's not online so im sitting here,waiting and waiting and waiting.come on zafirah,where on earth are you??
Saturday, August 06, 2005
that's it.it's all over.season 1 of lost i mean.have to wait for the next one.god knows when it will air.shazee's right.at the end,there'll be more questions than answers.wont say anything so i won't spoil it for those who dont know the ending.singapore's airing is really late.well the good thing was they showed boone,in the last 3 episodes.just in flashbacks though.thats good enough.oh and in the first episode too.his funeral.that was sad.his face was hardened and so lifeless.well he was dead.damn those producers.oh well.nobody said life was fair.yesterday's sing singapore ROCKED!!i loved it.hanis and i went at 6 to get seats first.we saw mdm lim and chatted with her awhile.then at 6.30 anita came.likewise,chatted awhile.then zafirah came at 6.45.we said hi to cikgu salina who was busy with the welcoming party people.then we decided to sneak in to the building because we didnt want to sit in the canteen,just wasnt fun.so we did.us and hui hui and her friends.it was so fun.we were so nervous but we didnt really care.we just wanted to get into the hall.we almost did but then muneerah called and she was coming,she needed the ticket which was in my bag which was in the canteen so then we went down again,with my sister as she could sneak us in because she was participating in the finale item.after getting muneerah and our bags,this lady,whom i found out later was bettina's mum,was walking around and when she saw us she asked why my sister was down there when she wasnt supposed to be.so we got scared.but then suddenly she told us to follow her because she was going to get us hall seats.we were utterly shocked.she was so nice!she gave us the "parent volunteer child" stickers to paste and led us.we managed to get seats,on the floor.which was better anyway.we were cheering and clapping so loudly.sharifah maryam and siti joined us too.we saw fadhil and firdaus.oh it was fantastic.the children dancing were so CUTE!!then during the dikir barat performance,hanis screamed so loudly everyone turned to look at her.we laughed so hard,i thought my stomach was going to burst.she was damned embarrassed.haha.my brother's group emerged first in his category.then after the show,when they were going to let down the balloons,we ran like little kids to grab one.i managed to get a purple balloon!my favourite colour,purple.haha.it was really great to be back in prps again with my bestest friends.cant wait to go back on teacher's day.
speaking about friends,cant believe they didnt ask what happened.but then again im not surprised.so-called friends.acting as if everything's alright.well it isnt.cant see the truth.oh maybe they can but they cant be bothered.well if thats how they want to be then so be it.i cant put up with them anymore.dont know what i did wrong.cant think of anything i did to make them act that way.well if there was one thing i did wrong,its trusting them as my friends.thats what i did wrong.
Friday, August 05, 2005
i've got tickets to tonight's sing singapore at prps!haha.im so happy.although they're not hall tickets,but heck,with my bestest friends,i dont think it really matters.i got 7 tickets.7!!at first my brother only got me one.then i asked him to get 3 more so that zafirah,muneerah and hanis could go.he didnt get them.so i asked him and my sister to try again the next day.they didnt get it either.then i asked them to try again yesterday.my sister got 2 tickets and my brother 3.so i had 6.then today syamimi's brother gave my brother another ticket.so now i've got 7.we wanted to ask siti and syafiqah to come along.but syafiqah cant go and siti is going with her family and she's got hall tickets.so i asked anita since i knew she wanted to go.and the other 2 tickets are being given to hanis's sister and her friend.i cant wait!im going to meet my friends again and im going back to my alma mater which i terribly miss!!im so excited.haha.well thank god school's over for this week.no more tests and cas.for now.i can finally breathe.next week would be a short week because of national day which means that i can sleep in.hurrah!im so busy during the school week,i hardly have time for anything.tuesdays are my only free days.mondays and wednesdays ive got french.thursdays ive got basketball practice and fridays ive got swimming.lucky there are only a few sessions left.i cant afford to be any darker.
oh i hate them.just when i thought it was all over.boy was i wrong.what is wrong with you people?especially you.you're turning into someone i dont know.and i dont think i like it either.and you're influencing the rest.and they're becoming like you.shit i hate you guys.talking about things behind my back and keeping stuff from me.where's the trust?just goes to show what GREAT friends you are.i cant be bothered by you guys anymore.you want to be like that,then fine.you're not my only friends.i dont need people like you anyway.i actually have friends who ARE friends.some friends you guys turned out to be.
anyway,gotta get ready now.au revoir people!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

oh my god!i watched saturday's 5 episodes of lost and boone died!he DIED!!!!how could he die?he was like the hottest guy on the show and of all people,HE had to die.it was so sad.i hate the damned producers.they just had to kill off the cutest guy on the show.i really cant believe it.he'd still be appearing in the show though,but only in flashbacks.and that's not as good as being alive.and there was this one website that i was looking through and it said in the second season of lost,the survivors would discover that "they're not the survivors they thought they were".quote unquote.well i hope that boone comes back.there's like no point in watching the show anymore because he's not in it.but luckily its an interesting show.so i'll still be watching it.its just REALLY unfortunate that he had to die.but he was being so brave about it all.jack wanted to cut his legs in order to save him and he said"i'll let you off the hook.let me go".he WANTED to die.damn.why did he have to die??he is SO cute.i love his eyes.they're a really nice bluish-grey.the kind you can stare into for hours.stupid shannon.she didnt appreciate her brother when she had the chance to.she even had the nerve to hook up with sayid.ew,what an unlikely pair.but whatever,love is blind.i wish this world was perfect,cause then boone would live.