Thursday, March 30, 2006
i feel like shite right now.i hate feeling helpless.i hate feeling hopeless.and right now,that's what i am.helpless and hopeless.i just wish the ground would open up and swallow me so i dont have to go through this's just matter what i do,i cant change things.i'll still be stuck here.i'm really sorry guys.i hope you have a good time.i'm sorry i cant be there with you.i feel so crappy.i feel like crying and pulling my hair out.this is all whore shite.fuck everything.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
that was just plain bimbotic on my side.i was bored and hell,i love taking yeah.i came back with Hanis just now.i took the MRT where she would meet me at the Tanah Merah i took the MRT from Kembangan and saw Jonathan and Prabu in the same carriage.and when Hanis came in at Tanah Merah,there were like,4 ex-Pasirians in the same MRT in the same carriage.and they were all ex-classmates.what are the odds of that?okay sure,Hanis and i had planned to meet up.but then Hanis and i went to White Sands because i hadnt had lunch.we went to McD where we saw Alia,Sakina and Syafiqah(is that how it's spelt?).they were eating and revising for tomorrow's Math CA.shoot!which reminds me i should be doing the same too.anyway,Hanis and i had apple pie.and it was good though i kept dropping the apple fillings everywhere.and Hanis,being the ever-sarcastic person she is,just laughed.we went to the library after that because she wanted to return and borrow some i followed was good meeting up with her.i havent seen her in ages.i saw my other 2 Disco Mamas,Zaf and Munya,last week.i'm seeing Zaf again least for tomorrow's lesson,i don't have to feel guilty about not doing my homework.although i havent done my homework from weeks ago.heck.
i went for the Public Speaking Competition briefing just now.and i guess,i'm kinda gamed for it.i wasnt at first,but now,it looks pretty interesting.and it would be a waste to back out now,because,well,because.and if i dont get into the finals,at least i can say i tried.Deannie hates the part where we have to put on a costume.she thinks it's now,i have to find someone i want to be,dress, and talk like that person.the person can be a celebrity or politician,anybody famous.Hanis says i should be Madonna.whatever.right now i dont have any if you have a suggestion,please tell me okay?i need ideas.and quick!the prelims are in 2 weeks.
Monday, March 27, 2006
i'm sniffing today was cancelled.whoopadeedoodoo!nobody was in the mood for it,except maybe Ain,the EXTRA.
newspaper discussion during MT class was fun just now.we were all separated into groups picked out by Cikgu.and in my group was Hannah,Aisyah,Sharifah Nabilah and Syahilia.Sharifah and i kept cracking each other up,pointing to old,ugly men in the was really funny.
so now i'm taking part in the inter-class rap competition for the environment thing.nobody in the class wanted to participate and so Mrs Lim was forced to call out people and she was like "who's good on English?" and everyone said my name but i didnt want to do it!it's so unfair.and i'm also representing the class in the Public Speaking Competition with Deannie.again,Mrs Taufiq was like "who's good in English?".and naturally people just had to say my name.i dont want to enter the competition.i mean,we have to dress up like someone and pretend to be that if i decide to be Paris Hilton,do i have to wear a skimpy dress and go"that's hot!" ?and what if i want to be Micheal Jackson?do i start moonwalking and saying "i love molesting children" ?real ridiculous if you ask me.why must i be good in English?why can't there be a rap or public speaking competition for Malay,a subject which i suck in?it would make my life a whole lot easier.sometimes there really is no justice in the world.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
i shall reply my tags first.
nani-shut up you crazy bitch!you know i still love you.<33
andik-you other crazy bitch!you drive me insane!=)a good kind of insane.<333
mega-who's the Teddy dude?
JT-sure i'll link you but don't call me Tasneemo!it sounds gross.ew!
nani and andik-i do not think Daniel Radcliffe is hot.stop impersonating me nani!
okay so that's done.and so's my Lit CA.glad to have gotten that done and over with.i'm feeling all hot and sweaty despite the rain outside.and even with closed windows,i can still hear the karaoke singing.see,yesterday,till about 10pm,there was a malay wedding.and there was some sort of live band and they kept karaoke-ing.not to say their voices were nice,they weren't!listening to them gave me a headache and i mean that was really awful.and they still havent stopped.if it was a funeral,the dead would have come back alive.
i went to the library yesterday and saw Anita.i was like "ANITA!" and she was like "aah!Tasneem!" and we hugged each other.she looks great now.actually,she always has.i miss you loads loads!<333
French controle was on Friday.i met Zaf and Jingyi at Swensons where we had lunch.i arrived late because i had a make-up guitar lesson.i can now play a song and i'm so proud!can't wait for the next anyway,we were being really retarded in Swensons.or rather,Zaf was being retarded.she kept laughing for no reason and seeing her laugh made me and Jingyi laugh too.then we went to McD to study.though nothing much entered our heads.we werent in the mood to study and we kept mucking around and getting all panicky to actually do some then we packed up to go and Zaf and i went to the mosque to pray.and guess who we should bump into?Munya!she was there with Roy,Soffia(is that how it's spelt?)and a few other RG girls.they were praying while waiting for them to finish,Zaf and i just lay down on the's like,even though we were hell nervous,being in the mosque made us feel calm and peaceful and suddenly the controle didnt seem such a big thing anymore.of course all that changed when we saw Madame.we were more afraid of her scolding us for bunking 3 lessons than of the controle.but in the end,everything turned out okay.all's well that end's well,non?
Thursday, March 23, 2006
i'm happy.contented.esctatic.glad.well you get the idea.why,you ask?because i actually got an A for my overall.i just got back my progress report just now and i was expecting the worst.because i havent exactly been doing well.i'd gotten alot of Bs.and so when i saw that i'd gotten A for overall,boy was i overjoyed.and my parents didnt kill me either when they saw my report.i mean,it's the lowest overall score i've ever gotten.but heck,i should be thankful.
what i found stupid and unjustified was that i got an A for Art,my lousiest subject and a B for English,usually my best subject.i've always gotten Cs if not B for Art.and always As for English.and the one time i get an A for Art,i have to go get Bs for the rest of my bull crap.what is the world coming to?seriously.
so i made another promise not to swear again.and nine minutes into my promise,i broke it.i can't live a day without sue me.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
i feel real throat hurts like hell.and i feel so weak like the energy's been drained out of me.i didnt go to school today.i dont know about tomorrow cause i've got MC for 2 days.and i also missed french class.i hope my teacher isnt going to be mad cause i've already bunked 3 lessons straight.but so have Zaf and Jingyi.oh well,que serra serra.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
mengaji class is always fun.either it's catching up with Atiqah's love life,or mucking around with Haziq and Hafiz or cracking jokes and talking with Afiqah and Syakirah.whatever it is,it's always just now,Atiqah was i learnt the latest developments of her love life.then this moron,who's Ilyas's brother,Ibrahim,was also there.i was outside with Atiqah,talking.and there was so much noise coming from i went in and Ibrahim was like in seriously crapping.he's such a was sort of a guy-against-girls kinda thing.he kept thrashing us and we kept thrashing him.he is such a loser.we were making so much noise.when we quietened,he suddenly started talking to me.he said "you know,the world is turning upside down" and i just stared at him flabbergasted.because that was what i was feeling.flabbergasted.i mean,suddenly he started talking like that and i was just dumbfounded at his there such a word?Yasmeen and i were teasing him and didnt stop and in the end he gave up and shut up.
then Haziq and Hafiz came.Hafiz is so dark now!because of his swimming.and i can see the outline of his goggles.haha.i cant remember what we were talking about.i think it had something to do with placing the Pasir Ris Primary flag on Antarctica.yeah it was then i was like "why place it on Antarctica?you might as well place it on the moon!" then Hafiz said that too many people have already gone to the moon.and he said he wanted to go to Mars.then we sort of debated on the pros and cons of going to Mars.then he said he had already planned the details of his expedition.such as the spaceship he'd use and the amount of fuel he'll need and such.and so i asked who would get to go.he said anyone who wanted i booked myself a seat.
so this morning i made a promise not to swear or say any form of vulgarities for as long as i can since i know i cant not say it first period into the day,there goes my promise.i cursed the teacher for being a piss off.and then after art,i went back to class and made another promise.5 minutes later,i broke it again because i i swore at Andik.she laughed at me and ended up swearing herself.hah!i guess i just cant live a day without swearing or cursing.i shall try again tomorrow and see how long i can go this time.i really want to stop this bad habit of mine,cursing and swearing because i really do it i'm trying to stop.
i forgot to mention this yesterday when i blogged.Mr Yap is in hospital.he didnt go to school yesterday so Mr Chia took over.he told us that Mr Yap was in hospital and we were all like "for what?" then he broke the news.he said Mr Yap had cancer.some facial's in his genes cause he has a family history of cancer.and Mr Chia told us that he might just go at anytime.and we were all feeling so sad.i mean,as annoying and lame as Mr Yap is,i guess we're kinda fond of him.i can't believe i'm saying this but i actually miss him.Mr Yap,i do hope you get well soon so that you can come back to teach us.otherwise,i think i'll fail Math.
art lesson today was so funny.we were late for class,as usual,but that's because we had recess before anyway,we were like,ten minutes late and Mdm Seah got all furious and made us sit outside the art room,threatening to book us.then she gave her usual lectures while we tried to suppress our laughters.then she finally let us go in.and when we were inside,she demanded that everyone use a 2B pencil to sketch,mechanical pencils werent of course,there were those few who didnt have 2B pencils.people like me.and Mdm Seah got mad so she told us to get out of the class.there were like,13 of us who didnt have a we were outside,all happy because honestly,i'd rather sit outside then listen to her drone on on some stupid subject which i suck at.and plus,the weather was really was raining and there was a nice,cool breeze really,nobody minded sitting outside.then she came out and started yelling her head off.Vada then asked if she could go back to class to take her pencils and she and Jolene kinda argued with Mdm Seah for was the end,Mdm Seah told us to go get the pencils and we all started running like it was the end of our lives or something.we were laughing all the way.of course we didnt have any pencils.we just went back to class just to do something.but Vada saved our butts.she had this whole box of pencils and we borrowed them from all was good.but it was really hilarious.
going home in the MRT,me and Ain were talking about the kind of houses we wanted when we're older.she said she wants a 3-storeyed condo.Nani said she wanted a villa.and her own island.and she wants to name it Naniland.and i was like "hey,where do you want to go?
i want to go to Naniland.
oh but how you going there?
i'm going to float on cotton candy!"
and we all started laughing.then i said that i want a mansion all over Europe.and those are dreams that will never come true,not in a million years.
if only wishes could be dreams
and all my dreams could come true
i'd be the happiest girl alive
WORD OF THE DAY: necromancer noun.The practice of supposedly communicating with the spirits of the dead in order to predict the future.
Monday, March 20, 2006
today was pretty light and easy.few teachers didnt come so we had loads of free periods.Lit CA has been postponed to next week.which is good news cause i havent started preparing for it.
today was our first guitar lesson and it was so cool!we each had a guitar to play.we learnt the basics,like the various parts of the guitar.and the instructors played a few songs for us to the end of this course,we should be able to play Wake Me Up When September Ends by isnt it?and we can buy a guitar through them at a subsidised price of 70 bucks.i want to buy one!i cant wait for the next guitar's supposed to be next Friday.but Sports Day is then.which is Ms Lau is trying to arrange for us to take make up lessons after school.i dont mind baby!
speaking of Sports Day,i still have no idea as to whether i'm running on the day or whether we got into the cheerleading's tearing me apart,not knowing.
there was a bit of a friction today.i guess we just kind of snapped and couldnt take it anymore.i mean,enough is enough.who do they take us for?idiots?well if they do,then they've messed with the wrong people.cause they havent seen me mad.even the devil himself will die of can read my previous post and you'll know how i feel.
Andik told us today that she once wrote a letter to Mr Bush when she was in Primary 3,telling him not to go to war.thinking of a little Andik doing so,just made me was so cute!then we decided to write a letter me,Andik,Ain and Nani wrote him a was really cute and funny.especially Nani's bit.
speaking of her,i read her blog just now and her recent post is just,so true.go read it and you'll know what i mean.
one of the greatest things about having a blog is that i can write about whatever i want or am thinking about.or what i right now,i'm going to do what i did before,where i write what i feel about certain people without mentioning any names so as not to offend or hurt them.i shall call it The Vent since i'm basically venting out what i feel.okay so here goes.
1)you have completely changed.i dont know who you are anymore.i dont like the new used to be this nice,sweet person.but now,you're're this whole different person than who you used to be.sure we all change,but you've changed so much.i feel like i dont know you anymore,like i've lost were a great friend.but i'm not so sure i can say the same thing're not being're being what they want you to be.why can't you just be yourself instead of pretending to be someone you're not and never will become?because that's just not you.i should know because i've known you longer than they have.and you trust them so much.what makes you think they're who they appear to be?i've known you for a long time've known them for like what,1 year?yet you trust them more than you trust me.can't you see that they're controlling you and changing you to suit them?obviously you're in way too deep to see that.
2)you're not a're naturally like that.i dont know what to say to you minute you act like you care,and the next,you couldnt be bothered.i thought we were supposed to be friends.friends tell each other things.they care for each other.they trust each other.but if you dont trust me enough to tell me things or if you really dont care,then why are we friends?when i first met you,i felt sorry for you because you looked so out of place and i wanted to be friends with you to make you feel better.but you couldnt see that.and i dont think you ever'll never realise that i actually do care about you until it's too late.because even if i'm not your friend,you're still mine.unless you dont want to be.because then,that's perfectly fine with me.
3)i just can't figure you seem the nicest among them all.but then just when i think you're the nice one,you go ahead and change my opinion of you.sometimes i dont get're a great friend.i really like you.but sometimes,you just have to do things your way instead of following what they do,you know?you need to have a mind of your own.
4)you and me.together,we can drive everyone insane.crapping with you is fun.though you annoy me sometimes,i guess it's just the way you are.and i can't blame you if you're born spastic.=) ms jones,with you,there never is a boring moment.and that's a compliment.
5)boy you drive me're so silly and know when to provide me with a good laugh.i know we had a rough patch last year.i dont really know what happened but i'm glad we're over that now.because you really are a great friend.i love my ms mocha!
6)ms radcliffe!you're someone whom i know i can always talk understand what i say and talking to you is really great.i can talk about anything and everything with're so cute!we do have loads of fun and retarded times together dont we?
7)i dont really know you that well to make a judgement of you.but i i've talked to you a few times and though you seem down to earth and all that,really,you're just a bimbotic airhead.your life was too good to be true wasnt it?now you're getting what you deserve.i know you're upset and all,and i dont mean to be mean,but i'm glad.because maybe now,you'll finally come back down to earth.the world is made up of cotton candy and fairy dust you know.sometimes you just need a slap in the face to bring you back to reality.
8)are you dumb or are you just blind?can't you see the truth?i know that what happened last time wasnt dont say it was.there was definitely something.and if you couldnt see that,then it's just really sad.cause it's such a waste.really.
people in 1,2, and 3,i dont want to fight with you's just that sometimes i get really pissed with you guys.nobody pushes me around.not even you dont ever make the mistake of thinking that you're far more superior than me.
people in 4,5 and 6,you guys are the best!i love you oh-so-very much!<333
Sunday, March 19, 2006
it's the last day of the holidays.what a bummer.i haven't even finished my stupid homework because i've been terribly busy.after cheerleading on Friday,i went to watch Nanny McPhee.that's not my fault you know,i need a break too.and then my grandparents from Penang came.they stayed at my house and went back just this morning.they brought my cousin,Anastasya along it wasnt too bad.i became tourist for a day yesterday.they dont come to Singapore all that often so we brought them out.we went out for lunch and went to Mustafa.after that we walked around Clarke Quay and went for a boat ride!it's been a long time since i did so.and it was fun.i sat at the top,the first step.and the boat was bumping up and down,up and down.the wind was blowing in my hair,i could smell the salt from the river and the skyline was just was truly fantastic.i never felt so calm for a long time.and after that we walked to the GMAX bungy.the rest didnt have the guts to take it so it was just me and Yasmeen.i wasnt that scared because i already took a ride like that in Australia 2 years was basically the same thing.but i still got that adrenaline rush just before we were flung into the was fab!then we just walked around till night and went back home.Yasmeen,Anastasya and i slept in a room.and we stayed up late,telling each other stuff about our was so cool.we havent seen each other in like,a few years?and we became really was fun overall.
and today,right now,i still havent finished my homework.i'm doomed.i was sewing my pinafore just now and i poked my fingers so many sewing is horrible.really.
i'll reply my tags.
ain-i'll send you the photos some other legs were killing me too!
aashi-i miss you too!and i hope we win too!=)
shereen-YEAH he's 16.unbelievable isnt it?he's younger than you but older than me!haha.
nani-you're way are you a fairy.
hanis-what did i do?and what do you mean i'm still messy??
syamimi-yeah we both rock!
my voice is all different.i'm sick again.
we're learning the guitar tomorrow!
Friday, March 17, 2006
cheerleading rocked.we kicked ass!i dont know the results yet but will know when school i'm keeping my fingers crossed.and toes too!1/3 did us seniors proud!i think they were the best in the level.for our level,honestly,i think 2/7 was the best.they'll definitely make it to the finals.for the 2nd place,i think it's between us 2/3,2/5 and 2/8.there was such a huge fuss over 2/5's cheerleading,what with everyone saying they started practicing early and their moves were good.but frankly,i tink they were okay.for a group that started preparations early,they werent all that great.i expected better.but hey,their moves were thighs are burning right now what with all the kicking and squatting and lifting Siti just now.i can barely walk properly.
i'm so tired.after cheerleading,me,Siti,Sharifah,Ain and Nani went to Tampines to hang.we took photos.then they all went back except Siti so we ate at McD's.all that cheerleading sure worked an appetite.we were discussing about how people here have no fashion sense and just blindly follow people from the west.pretty interesting discussion.then Siti went home and i waited for Shereen,Yasmeen and Daneesh to arrive cause we were going to watch Nanny McPhee.the movie was so cute!i love the kids.they were so adorable.i especially loved Thomas Sangster,the boy who played Simon.he's so cute.Shereen and i have a crush on him!haha.

he's so cute and he's 16!but he looks younger.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
nani is driving me insane.i feel like pulling my hair out.i'm getting a headache.this is not good.i dont' get headaches.
-after qui is always a verb
-after que is a thing
-ou is to replace places or time in some cases
got to drill that in my head.ow.thinking of that makes my head hurt more.idiot.
i finally finished uploading the class photos.took me so long.well,they're up go check it out okay people?they're oh-so-cute and retarded.haha.i just cut my's short now and my fringe keeps falling to the front.i shall reply my tags now.
nani-are you really afraid of undergarments?cause if you are,wouldnt that mean that you don't wear them?and what's with the saint dont fool me ain't no angel.
andik- i dont know how to copy and paste either.haha.
JT-the class photos are up on the class blog.
ian-you crap too much.=)
nadia-yeah i'll tell you when school reopens.
mega-sure i'll bring house of wax.and jonathan rhys-meyers is hot!'re going for cheerleading tomorrow?are you participating?good luck and may the best class win!=)
syamimi-really?no basketball?how do you know?
well i'm off now.there's nothing much to blog about.tomorrow's cheerleading finals.break a leg 2/3!we're gonna bring this one home.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
i'm hooked on the song Crash and Burn by Savage Garden.
Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone
to all 2e3-ians:
please come support us cheerleaders on Friday.the prelims for the Sec 2s will start around please be there.we need your support!
i shall reply my tags now.
Ian-i think your new name suits you.=P
Nani-Nadhirah is really afraid of that?haha.i didnt know.and what's your phobia then?i think mine's pretty clear:cockroaches.
Nadia-yeah i know what the french guy was talking about!=)and thank god you dont like that Fauzi dude either.
Andik-who you pissed at?tell me.sorry i didnt get to talk to you earlier.=)
Deannie-see ya soon too Deannie the Meannie!
Hanis-i want to borrow the Grease cd!and yeah Syam still craps alot.i'll tell her you said hi.and what do you mean my skin is neater?are you saying i was messy before?
Elenna-hey!miss ya loads!
JT-of course you love the skin,it's MINE!haha.=)
i was surfing the net a few days ago and i came across this website that amused me.for you people who dont watch Lost, the hottest guy on the show,Boone,has already died.and i came across a particular website that petitioned for Boone to come back.i thought that was highly amusing.go check it out.i petitioned of course!
i went for cheerleading practice at Olivia's house was pretty good.after that,me,Ain,Sharifah and Siti took a cab to Tampines.we had lunch at Burger King then went shopping for our skirts again,to no luck in finding them,again.after Siti left,the rest of us went to take was real retarded because the machine was in Japanese and we had no clue as to what they were saying and so we kept messing up.we weren't prepared for the camera and such.the photos turned out good luckily.then we decided to go we took the escalator to the ground floor and Sharifah insisted that the guy at the information counter was the Fauzi dude from the Anugerah show.Ain and i kept saying he wasnt because he looked then Sharifah made us wait to see his face.and so we waited.and waited.we took the brochures and pretended to be busy.a few times the guy turned,not because he thought we were stalking him or something,and Sharifah confirmed it really was the Anugerah dude.i woulnt know since i dont watch the show,or any other malay show for that she started hyperventilating.she really did.she was star-struck and would have fainted too if it werent for me and Ain telling her to snap out of it.i mean,what's the big deal?it's not like he's an international superstar or something.he's just known because he happened to participate in a show that many people happen to biggie.considering that the many people are a few hundreds.but give me someone like Chad Micheal Murray or Josh Hartnett or Jonathan Rhys-Meyers,now they are people worth hyperventilating and fainting over.i mean,they're international superstars.and dont tell me you havent heard of One Tree Hill?surely you have which proves my point exactly.okay sure, i like local stars like Alex Polstra and Shan Wee and even if i do get to see them somehow,i don't think i'd go so far as to hyperventilate.i'd just get a photo taken or get an autograph.and while waiting for the bus,Sharifah and i were arguing over whether the Fauzi dude was modest or egoistic.she kept saying he was so modest,trying not to be noticed by wearing a cap and sunglasses and dying his hair.i though he was egoistic because he obviously has let his popularity go to his head.that's why he wants to go unnoticed when going out.i mean,he probably thinks that if he doesnt disguise himself,he'll get swarmed by fans.isnt that egoistic?even international superstars dont do much as i dislike Daniel Radcliffe,i'd take him anytime if you gave me a choice between him and some Anugerah dude.i mean,everyone's heard of Harry Potter.but go to New Zealand and ask the people if they've heard of've got your answer right there.
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
"Winnebago.Still,Tom thought as he stole a look"
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.What do you feel?
the wall.
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
The O.C. i havent watched tv today and i was watching some old CDs late last night.
4. Without looking, guess what time it is:
11 am
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
11.32 am
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
the traffic outside
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
yesterday.i came back from cheerleading practice.
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
one of the websites we're supposed to surf to find the Geog answers
9. What are you wearing?
a shirt and shorts
10. Did you dream last night?
yeah but i dont remember it.
11. When did you last laugh?
just now.
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
blue and green paint and loads of junk
13. Seen anything weird lately?
14. What do you think of this quiz?
whatever.Hanis wants me to do it.=)
15. What is the last film you saw?
I Spy
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
a mansion,a porsche and a lamborghini,shoes,books,clothes,jewellery,my own jet,a cruise ship,man the list can go on forever.
17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
i havent grown since last year
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
eradicate poverty,discrimination,war and hatred
19. Do you like to dance?
20. George Bush...
is a bastard
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
dont know
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
dude,i dont know.i havent thought that far ahead.
23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
now you're here,there finally is life after death.haha.
25. 4 people who must also do this in THEIR journal.
Hanis has done it and Zaf and Munya never update their blogs so Nani,Ain,Andik and anyone else.
i did it Hanis!
"Winnebago.Still,Tom thought as he stole a look"
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.What do you feel?
the wall.
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
The O.C. i havent watched tv today and i was watching some old CDs late last night.
4. Without looking, guess what time it is:
11 am
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
11.32 am
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
the traffic outside
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
yesterday.i came back from cheerleading practice.
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
one of the websites we're supposed to surf to find the Geog answers
9. What are you wearing?
a shirt and shorts
10. Did you dream last night?
yeah but i dont remember it.
11. When did you last laugh?
just now.
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
blue and green paint and loads of junk
13. Seen anything weird lately?
14. What do you think of this quiz?
whatever.Hanis wants me to do it.=)
15. What is the last film you saw?
I Spy
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
a mansion,a porsche and a lamborghini,shoes,books,clothes,jewellery,my own jet,a cruise ship,man the list can go on forever.
17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
i havent grown since last year
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
eradicate poverty,discrimination,war and hatred
19. Do you like to dance?
20. George Bush...
is a bastard
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
dont know
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
dude,i dont know.i havent thought that far ahead.
23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
now you're here,there finally is life after death.haha.
25. 4 people who must also do this in THEIR journal.
Hanis has done it and Zaf and Munya never update their blogs so Nani,Ain,Andik and anyone else.
i did it Hanis!
Monday, March 13, 2006
so i told my mum that i needed to go on the computer to do my homework.which is partly true,but i didnt say right now i'm blogging,chatting and testi-ing Nadhirah since we're both bored and have nothing to i woke up and there wasnt a word stuck in my there's no word of the day today.
oh i watched I Spy on AXN on Saturday.Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy were acting.i love the was both funny and full of action.ultracool.Owen Wilson looked hot in his haircut though his nose was a bit funny.and i watched Fun with Dick and Jane before that on was so boring.thank god Zaf messaged me.she was bored too so we were just messaging each other.i just realized that there are a hell loads of movies i want to watch.and i also realized that my money is running low.oh well,what's new?i seriously suck in saving money.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
school's out baby!
i've now got one week of mucking around.though i wont be doing much mucking.what with homework and cheerleading practices.speaking of which,i went to one was in school.only me,Sharifah,Olivia,Pron and JT came.we pretty much had low spirits what with the few people we had.but once we started practicing and coming up with more moves,i guess we kinda snapped out of it.Pron was so retarded.she kept coming up with this silly,cutesy's practice again on Tuesday and Thursday.the prelims are on Friday.and people like Amirah,Siti and Ain still dont know the steps.we're going to be teaching them on Tuesday.after that,we'll probably go watch a movie or just go "jalan-jalan".
this holidays i'm also supposed to go watch a movie with my disco mamas.but we're all busy.i'm trying to find a date where we're all free.Hanis has some camp thinger and Zaf has angklung and i've got cheerleading.we definitely wanna go out cause its been a long time since we last saw each other.i want to watch Nanny Mcphee,Cry Wolf,Date Movie,Wolf Creek and Dorm.there are so many movies to watch!
also occupying my time would be my homework.i've got:
1)Geog online CA
2)Math ex 8b and 8c
3)Science Longman Chapters 2,3 and 4,Sections A and B
4)History Ws
5)History Project
7)French.shoot i completely forgot!
so there you have it,my holiday plans.knowing me,i'll probably leave everything for last minute,as usual.oh and on top of my homework,i need to do some revision because i've been slacking and my grades havent exactly been good.thank god we're getting our progress report when school reopens.that'll leave less time for my parents to kill me.
yesterday i was creeped out for some weird reason.i woke up and the word banshee was stuck in my's not the first time.there were other times before where i woke up with a word stuck in my head.and througout the day,i'd definitely come across the word.weird yes i know.and the word banshee appeared in the Sweet Valley book i was reading.banshee means a female vampire.i's the english translation for today i also woke up with a word stuck in my head.the word's recluse.i've yet to come across everytime i wake up with a word stuck in my head,i'll put it up here in my blog,along with the least my vocab would improve.
WORD OF THE DAY: recluse.noun. A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
i'm so tired today.i dont have the mood to do anything.but thanks to the gang,i cheered up a bit.i was feeling all down and pissed.for no particular reason at know that feeling where you're down and moody and you dont know why?that's exactly how i feel.i just feel like i'm skipping french's not like i'd be able to concentrate anyway.i'd probably fall asleep.and besides,it's the end of term.there's only so much we can learn.i'm skipping this friday too.Jingyi and Zaf are doing the same thing.but they've got school activities.and we've got a project due this friday which we havent even started on.and since they're not going,i'm not going either.
i saw a really gross sight just now.i went into the toilet to freshen up and i went into this cubicle.i was sorta dreaming and then i gave out this huge gasp.there in the toilet bowl were big pieces of shit floating in this orangey-coloured as disgusting and really freaked me out.i was shivering all through Geog class.even right now,writing about it,i can practically smell it.crap.i'm traumatised.i'm going to go puke.
Monday, March 06, 2006
for the first time i came home early after basketball training.usually i reach home around 5.30.but i reached home at 5.10 even though we were released as usual was rad.we beat Tanvi's team in the last match.but they didnt do their burpees punishment.
i am worried far,i've already gotten 3 Bs.i'm going to be roast meat when my parents find out.shit shit shit.but generally,everyone's dropped in all subjects.i am so not forward to looking at my term progress report.i wonder what Mrs Lim-Neo will have to say about really sucks now that i have to be on good behaviour during her class.cause she knows daddy.she attended the same course as him or something like that.real shit.tomorrow's our class party!we were supposed to celebrate it one the 2nd of March,cause that's 2e3's real birthday.but Canadian Pizza didnt do deliveries till 11 so we had to postpone it to tomorrow cause everyone's pretty much free tomorrow.and after that,i'll be tutoring Aashi in Math.the good thing about this whole tutoring thing is that i get to help Aashi and i also get CIP i guess it is an advantage.
we're not going KL after all!we're supposed to go this Friday till Tuesday.which meant that i had to skip school.and i dont want to,what with being the last day of term and i wasnt exactly looking forward to the trip.then daddy sprained his left ankle playing soccer on Saturday with his team so we can't go.but he is going to KL cause he's the team manager and they're playing against another anyhoo,it means that i dont have to go!whoopedeedoodoo.and that means that i'm free the whole week to go out and i can go for cheerleading practice at Ain's house this Saturday.her family's not going to be home cause they're going to Indonesia till Monday i she'll have the whole house to herself for like what,3 days??ultra cool.if i were her,i'd stay up late in the night then sleep in.and when i do wake up,i'll go out or invite my friends that would ever happen.but hey,i can dream.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
cheerleading practice yesterday was rad.went to Olivia's house and it was so gorgeous!Ain and i met at the lobby first.we were trying to figure out how to get i called Olivia.and she asked if i could find the metal thing and i went "what metal thing??" then i realized she was talking about the intercom which was right in front of my she told us her unit number and Ain pressed the buttons.then the intercom made this weird sound which cracked us up like hell.we were the first ones to we waited for the rest.Pron,both Jolenes and Angeline.we've already gotten our cheer and song.and most of the moves have been figured out.and they are,if i do say so myself,ultra cool.thanks to Pron.only we know how.after the practice,Ain and i took a cab to Tampines Mall.we were so tired and slept in the cab.then we met Nani at we helped Nani choose Siti's birthday present.then we shopped for our cheerleading skirts,which we didnt manage to know how it is that you always see a particular thing when you're not interested in it but when you decide you want it or want to buy it,suddenly it's so difficult to find it?that's exactly what happened.really pissing.
i watched Big Momma's House 2 and Final Destination 3 yesterday.i've got the DVDs.Big Momma was was hell funny.Martin Lawrence really pulled off Big Momma well.and Final Destination,well,i love movies like that.part horror,thriller with some gore.and this one was no was awesome.the guy playing Kevin,i dont know what's his name,looks like Josh Hartnett.i'll see if i can find pictures next time i blog.i think the best among the installations.but it was quite short.leaves you wanting for more.
i was surfing the net and i saw the movie synopsis for Pirates of the Carribean 2:Dead Man's Chest.i loved the first movie and can't wait for the second one.go check out the website with all the movie details.
i also saw the movie synopsis for Scary Movie 4.i watched the second installation and it was freaking hilarious!i loved it.i have yet to watch the first and if anyone has the CD or DVD can you please lend it to me?go check out the website for more details on the movie.
i'm going to watch Nanny McPhee during the March holidays.either with Hanis,Zaf and Munya,or with the TKGS gang after cheerleading prelims on Friday,or my madrasah class friends.i watched the trailer and it seemed interesting.
speaking of movies,we finally finished watching Bawang Putih Bawang Merah.the movie was spread out over 2 weeks i think,during Malay class.the movie was okay.didnt made sense in some parts.i dont like the Sultan.Heeqmah and Sharifah Nabilah are infatuated with him.even Siti,Amirah and Sharifah think he's cute.gag me please.he looked like such an arrogant egoistic bastard that i felt like slapping his jerky face.what really creeped me out was Bawang Merah's near-death.she was being punished for trying to kill the Sultan,who was her husband.but she's the good girl,so of course she doesnt fact,it was her stepmother who hypnotised her into hurting the Sultan.complicating i she was tied to this wood thing and a guy was holding this spear-like had a sharp arrowhead.and Cikgu Alena said that he was supposed to poke it through her from below.that really freaked me out.i was so spooked and creeped out the whole was totally barbaric.real gross.i mean,it hurts for the love of God.thank god i dont live in the ancient times.i would hate to be married to an arrogant pig and be barbarically punished for something i was hypnotised to do.
Friday, March 03, 2006
i haven't blogged in a long time.that's cause i've been busy busy busy this whole week.last i blogged was monday,and that too cause i didnt go for basketball training.tuesday,i came back early but had loads of homework to do.wednesday,french of course.yesterday,sports heats,which i will talk about in a while cause it was so flipping fun and retarded.and today,french too.i'm so feet are aching from yesterday.i was practically sleeping in french class today.i met Zaf and Jingyi at McD's.we were supposed to write the script for our french project but we spent way too much time laughing and talking and eating to do anything.we did do the homework we were supposed to do though.then at around 4,we started walking towards the language centre.we were talking about,well something.i shan't say it cause it's way too racy.and ohmigosh the things we found out.freaking hilarious.i was laughing so much i almost fell into the drain.then Jingyi mistook some Damai girl for Izza and went "Izza!" to the girl.silly goose.other than that,today was relatively boring.
now i shall talk about the Sports was totally rad!it was at VJC.the school is so huge and nice.they've got a fountain.and a tree house!Siti and i were running in the 4 by 400M along with Mel and Angeline.Siti was the first runner,i the second,Mel the third and Angeline the last.when we started off,we managed to keep our pace at third position but at the last part,Angeline was almost reaching the finishing line but some other girl cut her so we got fourth.but i dont know about the second round for the sec 2 4 by 400M i dont know our overall postion.hopefully we'll get to run on Sports Day.Ain and Andik came just in time to see us run.they came after Ain cut her hair and after Andik's CSP class.after we ran,me,Siti,Ain,Amirah and Andik went to sit near the Guides bench where Sharifah,Nani and Nadia were recording the timings.we were waiting for them to finish so we were sitting on the grass,mucking around.then i laid down and we pretended to have a memorial service for i closed my eyes and they threw grass on me and Amirah poked a leaf into my nostril and i burst out much for my memorial service.then after the Guides had finished,we got ready to leave.i couldnt resist climbing the tree i did.there were 3 houses joined by was really cool.Amirah,Nani,Andik and Sharifah climbed it too.i was ahead and Andik was behind me.when we got to the first bridge,i turned around and screamed in Andik's face to scare her.and she squealed so loudly.then i started rocking the bridge and she started squealing even more loudly.i did the same to Sharifah and she was worse.she was practically screaming her head off!i laughed so hard.she's silly.she climbed the thing and she says she's afraid of heights.silly goose.we then took the bus home.we made so much noise and Nadia was constantly shushing we tried to stay quiet for as long as possible.but we couldnt shut our traps for even a we just yakked the whole time.i came back feeling exhausted.but hell,it was one heck of a fabulously rad day!